TROUBLE IN BRANGELINA LAND: Actor James McAvoy has sent Brad Pitt into a jealous rage after snogging Angelina Jolie. Brad Pitt's been getting very hot under the collar since his girlfriend, Angelina Jolie, has been snogging the face off James McAvoy on the set of their new film, Wanted. Apparently Angelina hasn't filmed such saucy scenes since Mr. and Mrs. Smith and to make matters even more jealousy inducing for Brad, she's been asking writers to beef up the scenes between herself and Mr. McAvoy... "The changes meant she spent way more time with James, and the sexual tension got a lot more intense," said an insider on set. According to sources close to the couple, the couple have had several fights over the whole affair, and following the Beowulf premiere last week, Brad left the after-party with another woman... Oh dear. (Handbag)
Meanwhile her other movie BEOWULF WINS AT BOX OFFICE The animated Beowulf earned $28.1 million in its opening weekend -- 40 percent of which came from special 3-D showings in regular theaters and on IMAX screens. The animated Bee Movie had the second-highest gross of the weekend with $14.3 million in ticket sales. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium debuted in third place with $10 million in ticket sales.