Calling All Performers!
Kings Island Entertainer Auditions February 16-17
Park looking for singers, dancers, musicians, characters and more for 2008 season
KINGS ISLAND, Ohio – Kings Island will host auditions in search of experienced contemporary country singers and trained, talented and versatile dancers, characters, character cohorts, musicians, technicians and costumers for the 2008 entertainment season at the park. The auditions will be held at Kings Island in the International Restaurant Saturday, February 16 and Sunday, February 17.
Auditions and interviews for singers, technicians, characters, costumers and musicians are from 10:00am to 2:00pm each day. Applicants will be seen on a first come, first served basis. Dancer registration is from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. A dance combination will be taught at 2:00pm.
Interested performers should prepare the following:
Singers: Bring sheet music or CD accompaniment for two contemporary country songs. One should be up-tempo, the second a ballad. A piano accompanist will be provided for those with sheet music. Singers may be asked to read a brief monologue and to dance, so they should bring appropriate clothes and shoes for movement. Singers need to bring a current photo and a one-page resume.
Dancers: Kings Island is looking for energetic, technically trained dancers experienced in jazz, ballet, hip-hop and acrobatics. Dancers will be taught a combination during the audition and should come prepared in comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes. Dancers need to bring a current photo and a one-page resume.
Musicians: Kings Island is specifically looking for horn and reed instruments. You must be able to play a variety of styles.
Technicians and Costumers: Interviews will be conducted for experienced sound operators, lighting operators, follow spot operators, sage crew and costumer positions. Interviews will be held on audition dates on a first come, first serve basis. Please bring a one-page resume. Those interested in design work should bring an example of their recent or past work.
Nickelodeon Meet and Greet Characters: Kings Island is looking for enthusiastic individuals to portray Nickelodeon characters. Those who audition must be 4’10” to 5’6” for Nickelodeon characters. Please bring a current photo and a one-page resume. An interview and movement audition will be conducted.
Character Cohort: Kings Island is looking for enthusiastic individuals to provide assistance to characters during their walks. Please bring a current photo and a one-page resume.
Please note: Those who audition must be at least 15 years of age to audition and/or interview. The audition procedure may take a long time. Please be prepared to wait. Kings Island strongly encourages participation from all cultural backgrounds.
For more information call Kings Island’s Entertainment Department at (513) 754-5740 or visit www.visitkingsisland.com.
Kings Island is owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, a publicly traded partnership that is listed for trading on The New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “FUN.” In addition to Kings Island, Cedar Fair owns and operates ten other amusement parks, six water parks, one indoor water park resort and five hotels. Cedar Fair also owns and operates Star Trek: The Experience, an interactive adventure located in Las Vegas, and operates the Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park in Gilroy, Calif. under a management contract.